The Schitt's Creek Series Finale Made People Very Emotional on Social Media

The rise of Schitt’s Creek as one of the most popular shows on television is very much a modern-day success story. While it had an original core audience after its American debut five years ago on the channel Pop, it became hugely popular once its first two seasons began streaming on Netflix in January 2017.
However and whenever you met the wonderfully wacky Rose family—Johnny, Moira, David, and Alexis—and the many colorful residents of the titular town, you likely fell in love with them. I know I did. The show and its characters are highly meme-able and have become internet staples. And last night, April 7, fans bid an emotional farewell to it. (The final season is not yet streaming on Netflix.)
When we first met the Roses, they were incredibly out-of-touch rich people who suddenly found themselves penniless and living in a roadside motel in Schitt’s Creek, a town they’d purchased as a joke. But over the course of six seasons, the characters grew and evolved and became heartwarming, hilarious beacons of light, hopefulness, and acceptance. That made the finale even more heartfelt. While I’ll miss all the “Ew, Davids,” Moira’s weird pronunciations and wig collection, and Alexis’s perfect way of sliding a random fact from her past life into casual conversation, it’s the relationships I’ll miss most of all. As far as finales go, I think this one was pretty perfect—from Patrick and David’s wedding to the final goodbyes for the family. I’m still a weepy mess.
And I wasn’t alone, as many fans also worked out their feelings about the finale on social media:
Co-creator and star Dan Levy wrote a heartfelt note to the cast, crew, and fans ahead of the April 7th episode. “This show has been the love of my life for the past seven years,” he said. “Getting to tell these stories, build these characters, and watch them grow has been a privilege for which I will always be grateful.”
He continued, “As for our viewers, getting to share this show with you, getting to watch you champion it, tell your friends about it, herald its messages of love and acceptance with such empathy and passion… that is something I will never forget. The stories you have shared with me over the years have made me laugh and cry and feel empowered to keep making things that mean something…Thank you for taking the time out of your busy lives to watch our show. I am forever grateful for this time we had together. Here’s to many more stories and many more memories, whatever they may be.”
Until we (hopefully) meet again, Roses.