Everything Jordyn Woods Said About the Khloé Kardashian–Tristan Thompson Scandal on ‘Red Table Talk’

“I was drunk. I was not tipsy. I was drunk, but I was not beyond the point of recollection. I know where I was. But on the way out, he did kiss me. No passion—no nothing—on the way out. He just kissed me. It was a kiss on the lips, but no tongue kiss, no making out. Nothing. And I don’t think he’s wrong, either, because I allowed myself in that position. And when alcohol’s involved, people make dumb moves or people get caught up in the moment.
“I didn’t know how to feel. I was like, That didn’t just happen. I was leaving already, so I walked out immediately after. And I got in the car and I was like, No, that didn’t happen. I was just like, I need to go. I was in shock. I was more so like, Did this really [happen]? I was like, Hmmm, let me just pretend like that didn’t happen…. That’s where I’ll take responsibility to where I can’t be doing that…. Because there’s so much history involved, I wasn’t thinking right. I take full responsibility for that.”
Why did Thompson do it? “I’m there until the sun’s coming up. He’s like maybe, Let me just shoot my shot.”
What Woods did the next day. “I had talked to Kylie and Khloé in the morning. I told them I was there. I had talked to Khloé, and she asked me what was going on. Is everything fine? And in my head of trying to forget that part of the story, I was just like, ‘No, he was chillin’. Everything was OK. There were girls there, but he wasn’t all over the girls.'”
Khloé Kardashian and Tristan Thompson
Getty Images
Why did Woods lie? “I was honest about being there, but I wasn’t honest about the actions that had taken place. I just knew how much turmoil was going on that I was like, Let me not just throw more fuel on the fire. I know I was trying to protect Khloé’s heart. She doesn’t deserve this, either. People have even dehumanized her in this situation to where they can’t feel for her. And it’s not fair that she has to deal with this, either. The last thing I wanted to do was be that person.
“I’m no home-wrecker. I would never try to hurt someone’s home, especially someone that I love and someone who has a beautiful daughter. I never was trying to steal someone’s man. I don’t need your situation. I really just hurt so many more people by not telling the truth.”
Does Woods blame herself for why Thompson and Kardashian aren’t together? “I know I’m not the reason that Tristan and Khloé are not together. This situation may have made it harder for her to want to be with him, and I understand that. But I know I’m not the reason.”
Did she consider having sex with Thompson? “Never. Never a thought. Never a consideration. Never happened. And never will I. And that’s why I’m willing to be put up to the test. Attach me to a lie detector, whatever it is. I need people to know the truth and, more importantly, I need the people involved to know the truth.”
Has she talked to Thompson since since? “There has been no communication with Tristan. No relationship over time. There’s been no relationship. No communication. No plans on meeting up. No conversation. Nothing.”
Woods says her intention wasn’t to hurt anyone. “I think if that [was] the case, I wouldn’t have been friends with these people for so long. Now I have to deal with my family and all the people I hurt. That family also has to deal with the hurt. This story that didn’t have to be what it was turned into, the biggest scandal or betrayal of the year. I’ve seen what has been been done to my life in only a week based on how the media circulates. They don’t put their focus on the real-world problems. They’re putting their focus on a young black woman who made a mistake, and not a mistake that’s worth public crucifixion. It’s a mistake that should’ve been dealt with internally.”
How Woods coped with the aftermath. “The first few days of this were definitely the hardest. I couldn’t eat. I didn’t eat for days. I couldn’t look at my phone, even. I would just try to sleep and wake up and hope this wouldn’t be true. Every day it was a new headline. Every time you refreshed the page, it was another person bullying me or wishing death upon me or telling me something like, ‘Your father deserved to die.’ I may have done something wrong, but whatever I did, I don’t think I deserve this.”