Ashley Graham Just Revealed the Details of Her Son's Birth—Including His Adorable Name

Ashley Graham‘s 2020 has gotten off to a very happy start. The supermodel and her husband, Justin Ervin, welcomed their first child—a boy—on January 18. And now she’s sharing more details about the day he was born on the latest episode of her podcast, Pretty Big Deal.
“Couldn’t hold back my tears on today’s @prettybigdealpod episode. Nothing prepares you for just how magical and intense giving birth is; I’m so grateful that I was able to deliver naturally in my home with my husband by my side for all 6 hours of labor,” she wrote on Instagram. “Holding my baby for the first time is a moment I’ll never forget. Such a special moment in my life deserved a BIG announcement!”
First, we finally learned the little boy’s name: Isaac Menelik Giovanni Ervin. “My sister Kia and I would have discussions about, ‘Oh, one day, when we have kids…’” Ervin said. “I brainstormed my own name for my future son, and I knew it was gonna be Isaac.” They picked the middle name “Menelik,” which means “son of the wise,” after a trip the couple took to Ethiopia last Christmas (they learned it was the name of that country’s first emperor). He also said that Giovanni (the Italian equivalent of John) is a tribute to both his and Graham’s grandfathers.
Graham says she gave birth to Isaac at home because her “anxiety would have been through the roof” at a hospital. “I have to say, now that I gave birth and I did it naturally and I felt everything, I feel like there’s nothing I can’t do,” she said. “There’s nothing that could come my way where I say, ‘Oh, that’s too hard, I can’t handle that.’ I went through laboring for six hours naturally.”
“To go straight from the pool to the bed with our son and just hold him, what a bond,” Ervin added. The couple then brought little Isaac out for his big debut—and Graham nursed him on camera. How cute is he in his tiny camouflage outfit?
Ashley Graham also shared another photo of Isaac on her Instagram feed. “At 6:00PM on 01/18/2020, we welcomed 7lbs 5oz of love into our world. Meeting our son has made our hearts incredibly full,” she wrote.
Many congrats to the happy family!
You can watch the full episode of Pretty Big Deal in the video, above.