Jennifer Aniston and Brad Pitt Reportedly Had a ‘Friendly’ Chat After the Golden Globes 2020

“Brad was in a great mood and very social with everybody—except Jennifer Aniston, who kept her distance at a booth a level up behind Brad,” a source said.
However, the two did interact briefly at the next after-party they hit up: the CAA bash at Los Angeles’s Sunset Tower. “They said hello very quickly,” another source told E!. “Jen arrived after Brad. It was brief, but [they] were very cordial and friendly and seemed happy to be there. They approached each other once they saw each other inside and looked happy as they started to hug and say hello. Jen whispered something to Brad, but it wasn’t in an affectionate way. They both didn’t seem like they wanted to make a big deal about being together in the same room although it was a private party. They were trying to be low-key. Brad left shortly after and didn’t stay at the party long.”
Don’t read too much into this, people. Just because Jennifer Aniston and Brad Pitt had a friendly conversation at an industry party doesn’t mean they’re getting back together. It’s hard to believe, I know, but you can actually be civil with your exes and not have romantic feelings attached.
During an interview with Entertainment Tonight before the Golden Globes, Pitt said he’d welcome a run-in with Aniston and that she’s a “good friend.” Good vibes only in 2020, y’all.