Watch the First Hilarious Trailer for Mindy Kaling and Emma Thompson’s ‘Late Night’

Get excited, people, because the first trailer for Mindy Kaling and Emma Thompson‘s new movie, Late Night, is officially here.
The film has been riding a wave of buzz since it premiered at Sundance and was subsequently purchased by Amazon Studios for a record-breaking $13 million. This new trailer sets the scene and the tone (sharp and hilarious, of course) as Thompson’s character, Katherine Newbury, is in danger of being ousted from her long-running late-night talk show. Enter Kaling’s Molly, who provides a perspective that’s lacking in the all-white male writers room. Katherine hopes Molly can help shake things up enough to save the show. “You’re a little old and a little white,” says Molly of her new boss. And Katherine says, “I need your pushiness and lack of boundaries.”
A story centered on two smart, complicated women making their way in a world primarily dominated by white men? You had me at “hello.” But after watching the trailer, I’m even more excited. Not that I should have doubted the dialogue would be quick (Kaling also wrote and produced the movie) or the performances great (it’s Emma freaking Thompson, who along with being one of our greatest living actors, is also a badass who stands up to sexual harassment). Even better: The movie also has a female director, Nisha Ganatra.
“I think this movie setting a record at Sundance is so important because the leads are a woman over the age of 50 and a woman of color,” Ganatra told Glamour at Sundance. “That, sadly, is radical alone, but there was so much talk of ‘Oh my God, will this make money? Is this marketable? Who will go see this?’ The fact that this movie broke the record at Sundance is so significant and so exciting and so amazing because it validates that you can tell your story. You can tell the story that people don’t think is worth telling, and it will find its audience and people will reward you for it.”
Late Night hits theaters June 7, 2019.