8 Ways to Cope When You Get a Migraine Headache Away from Home

Have a drink.
While consuming anything at all might be the last thing on your mind, drinking some ice water to hydrate and cool down can help mitigate a migraine, as can sipping a cup of coffee. “Try a small dose of caffeine, if you can tolerate it during the attack—about eight ounces of black tea or coffee,” Ailani advises.
Use soothing distractions.
Cue up a calm, spalike playlist to help get your mind off your migraine, or listen to a meditation app like Calm or Unplug, which will help you focus on your breathing instead of your pain. And any time an ice pack isn’t convenient, an over-the-counter cooling rub with camphor or menthol makes a great substitute. “Rub it on your temples, forehead, and back of the neck,” Ailani says. Certain scents may also be soothing. “Some people find it helpful to dab lavender or peppermint oil behind their ears, but if the scent seems too strong or makes you feel worse, avoid this.”
Go easy on yourself.
Now’s the time to splurge on a cab or an Uber if you were planning on riding a train or bus home. “All that rocking and stopping back and forth can worsen nausea and motion sickness,” Ailani says. When riding in a car with a migraine, it’s best to ride in the passenger seat; sitting in the back can also exacerbate those queasy feelings. If you’re out shopping or schlepping when a headache hits, figure out the quickest way to end the errand and lighten your load. “Try to avoid holding or carrying heavy bags when a migraine is coming on—if you’re alone and walking around with a lot of things with you, consider getting into your car or a cab,” Ailani says.
Stick to your routine.
If travel has triggered a migraine, many factors could be to blame, from changes in airplane cabin pressure to a major shift in your sleep schedule. As you cope, focus on getting back to your usual schedule and habits. “Make sure you have adjusted to the time change, don’t cut back on sleeping hours or miss meals, and don’t overdo alcohol or caffeine,” Newman advises.
Pack a migraine kit.
Prepare a kit with the tools you’ll turn to in your next migraine emergency—things like doses of your medications, cooling balm, essential oils, sunglasses, earplugs, and noise-canceling headphones. Stash this in your handbag, travel carry-on, or your desk at work. Just knowing it’s there will arm you with your most important migraine-fighting tool: the calming knowledge that at least you’re prepared.