Shay Mitchell Opened Up About Her Miscarriage: It Was One of 'My Darkest Days'

At the end of each year, it’s typical for people to post a highlight reel from the past 12 months on social media. Actress Shay Mitchell decided to share not only the good—the business launch, the travel, the friends—but also the painful, like how in 2018, she suffered a miscarriage.
“Although it was an amazing year, it didn’t come without some hardships,” Mitchell wrote on her Instagram Story on Tuesday, before sharing an image of a sonogram with a broken heart over it.
“We all have to deal with various struggles and challenges in life,” the following slide read. “And sometimes it’s easier to only showcase the good times on social media, which is what leads many people to criticize it for its lack of authenticity. Having so many people follow me on Instagram and read my posts is both incredibly humbling and hugely uplifting. The support and affection that so many of you show me lifts me up during even my darkest days, one of which happened last year after I miscarried and lost the child of my hopes and dreams.”

Mitchell decided to share her experience with miscarriage, she explained, in order to encourage compassion on social media, as well as an understanding that people only share a fraction of what they’re going through personally.
“In the spirt of the new year, I think that we need to remember that we are all on this journey together—in good times and in bad—and to remind ourselves that we seldom really know or understand the struggles and hardships that other people are going through,” Mitchell wrote. “So, for 2019, let’s all try to be a little more compassionate, empathetic, patient and thoughtful with each other. This sounds like a great resolution to me. I hope that you agree. Happy New Year everyone.”
In recent years, more celebrities have opened up about their experiences with miscarriages, shining light on a still-under-discussed and painful subject. Former First Lady Michelle Obama wrote about one she suffered in her thirties in her memoir Becoming; Carrie Underwood has also shared her experiences with multiple miscarriages.
After Mitchell posted her Instagram Story, fans began to show support for the actress on social media, with the hashtag #AlwaysWithYouShay.
Mitchell later tweeted: “Here we go 2019, I am so, so ready for you.”
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