There’s a Secret Message in Ariana Grande’s 'Pete Davidson' You Totally Missed

Once upon a time (i.e: over the summer), Ariana Grande and Pete Davidson were just two infatuated twenty-somethings who got engaged after only a few weeks of dating. Of course, the couple has since split, but there’s an artifact of their relationship on the Internet that will always remind us of when times were good. I’m talking, obviously, about Grande’s song “Pete Davidson” from her album, Sweetener.
The track was a last-minute addition to Grande’s fourth studio album. Running at a little over one minute, it’s the shortest song on Sweetener but by far one of the most memorable. There are no direct references to Davidson on the song but rather just general musings about how Grande is happy in her relationship. “Universe must have my back/Fell from the sky into my lap/And I know you know that you’re my soulmate and all that,” she sings before the chorus of the song. “I’ma be happy, happy,” she then repeats several times before the tune comes to a close.
But there’s a hidden message in “Pete Davidson” even the most diehard Grande fans might have missed. It turns out the guitar chords in the song are B-A-E on a loop. So, in other words, bae.
“I was looking up Ariana Grande guitar chords (I don’t have a guitar) and discovered the chords to ‘Pete Davidson’ are just BAE over and over and I can’t believe I just wrote the Da Vinci Code,” the fan who first noticed this message tweeted.
Listen to the song for yourself, below, and relive a simpler time.
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