Ruby Rose Just Teared Up Talking About Her Batwoman Casting

Earlier this week model and actress Ruby Rose—whom you may know best from her previous roles in Orange Is the New Black or Pitch Perfect 3—made history when she was cast as Batwoman in the CW’s upcoming Batwoman series. The casting is cool on a surface level, but Rose will be playing the first openly gay superhero to headline a television series, adding another layer of significance to the network’s decision. Specifically, she’ll be “an out lesbian and highly trained street fighter primed to snuff out the failing city’s criminal resurgence.”
Rose took to Instagram shortly after the announcement and said how “thrilled and honored” she is to have the role and joked that she’ll be an “emotional wreck” for the foreseeable future. She also appeared on The Tonight Show Wednesday night to discuss what it means on a deeper level for her and the LGBTQ community. “It’s a game changer. I found out an hour before I did the premiere for The Meg, and I was so nervous doing the red carpet, that I basically skipped everybody because I kept spontaneously crying. I feel like I’m going to do it now,” she told Jimmy Fallon. “I feel like the reason I kept getting so emotional is that growing up, watching TV, I never saw someone on TV that I could identify with, let alone a superhero, you know?”
The actress also believes Batwoman is ushering her into a new phase of her life too. “I’ve always had this saying—well, not me, Oscar Wilde—which is ‘Be yourself because everyone else is taken.’ And the second motto when I came into the industry was ‘Be the person that you needed when you were younger,'” she continued. “So one motto led me to the other, and I kept crying about it.” And now we are too.
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