Meghan Markle Wrote About Wanting to Be a Princess in 2014

Meghan Markle‘s actress-to-royal glow up is a fairytale that has enchanted pretty much the entire world. But apparently, being a princess isn’t something that came totally out of left field for her—she had actually thought about it in the past (like, well, many of us). In 2014, she wrote a blog entry for her now-defunct lifestyle website The Tig that revealed how she’d thought about being a princess as a kid—and she even mentioned Kate Middleton’s royal wedding to Prince William.
In the entry, Markle interviews Princess Alia Al-Senussi—a descendant of Libyan royalty and patron of the arts—for one of her Tig Talks, which used to be a regular feature on her website (The Tig was shut down once she and Prince Harry got serious). She kicked off the post with a little reflection about how so many little girls let their imaginations run wild when it comes to princesses.
“Little girls dream of being princesses. I, for one, was all about She-Ra, Princess of Power,” she wrote. “And grown women seem to retain this childhood fantasy. Just look at the pomp and circumstance surrounding the royal wedding and endless conversation about Princess Kate.”
Crazy, right? If only we could travel back in time and tell Markle that just four years later, she’d be at the center of a royal wedding pomp and circumstance by marrying Prince Harry herself—and that Princess Kate would be her sister-in-law!
Royal daydreaming aside, the main point of Markle’s entry was to empower women and celebrate the achievements of Al-Senussi, not gush over castles and crowns. Markle goes on to share more about Al-Senussi’s work, writing that when she first met the royal, she had “a bit of a ‘pinch-myself-I’m-emailing-with-a-princess’ moment. (The Al-Senussi family was exiled from Libya when Gaddhafi seized the throne in a coup d’état.)
The whole thing is absolutely magical, since Markle is now living the princess life and doing things like hanging with the Queen and touring the world with Prince Harry. She’s also talked about her commitment to continuing her incredible women’s empowerment work, which we think makes her the badass She-Ra-type of princess she once imagined as a kid.
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