Lush Made a Bath Bomb Based on Ariana Grande's 'God Is a Woman' Music Video

Just one day after her new track “God Is A Woman” was released, Ariana Grande debuted its accompanying music video last week. Throughout the four-minute video—itself a testament to the power of female sexuality and a reminder that female divinity and sensuality go hand-in-hand—the newly engaged singer is seen basking in a pastel painted pool that kinda looks like the world’s most gorgeously extra bath bomb was released in it. Now Lush cosmetics—a company that makes customer-favorite bath bombs—has taken it to the next level: After a fan’s plea on Twitter, the company was inspired by the swirly pinks and purples in the “God Is A Woman” pool to create a bath bomb inspired by the video.
It all started with a fan begging for Lush to create one: “@lushcosmetics make a bath bomb that looks like this & call it god is a woman so i can bathe feeling like a goddess,” user @grandeslite tweeted on July 13.
The user also DM’d the tweet on over to Lush, which their account monitor, “Ali,” said they’d pass on to the company.
@grandeslite then screen-grabbed both her tweet and her DM and tweeted the two out in a single post on July 14—and it quickly went viral. Even Grande saw it, got on board, and responded to the tweet: “omg @lushcosmetics i’ll do anything.”
Ask and ye shall receive apparently, because a couple of days later (July 17), Lush product inventor Jack Constantine turned a wish into a reality. He gave fans a sneak peek of a Grande0-inspired bath bomb iteration on his Instagram account. He wrote, “I had a fun day working on a prototype for @arianagrande of a #godisawoman #bathbomb in the #lushlabstoday. Still needs work, version 2 tomorrow ??.”
The very next day he shared a video of the “leftovers” of the second prototype—and the result looks almost exactly like the galaxy-themed pool in the music video, with shades of light blue, lavender, and light pink swirling around in the sink.
On Friday, Constantine finished the final “God Is A Woman”-inspired bath bomb and sent it off to Ariana herself (so she can be the first to test it out, obviously). By the looks of it, the glitter-filled bath bomb would definitely turn your tub into an empowering, yet relaxing bathing experience.
We can’t wait to hear what Ariana thinks of it—and you can bet we’ll let you know if and when we can get out hands on some.
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