The Page Boy Who Carried Meghan Markle's Train Was the MVP of the Royal Wedding

There were many incredible moments form Meghan Markle and Prince Harry’s royal wedding—their vows, the first time Prince Harry saw Markle in her wedding dress, the carriage ride—but none have captivated the internet quite like Train Face Boy.
Who is Train Face Boy, you ask? Well, he’s actually one of the young sons of Markle’s good friend Jessica Mulroney. And the face he made as he carried Markle’s train into St. George’s Chapel has gone totally viral on social media.
For good reason, too. The face Mulroney’s son made—one filled with pure excitement, joy, and happiness—is exactly how many of us feel about the royal wedding but may be too embarrassed to admit. Young Mulroney wasn’t shy about expressing his glee, though, and because of that he’s an international treasure.
Relive the face he made for yourself in the GIF, below:
The Twitter reactions to him have been lovely, too. “Same bro. Absolutely same,” one person tweeted. “I want to know EVERYTHING about the page boys who carried her veil. ??? Can’t wait to read their memoir one day,” wrote another.
The best reaction, though, might’ve been from the person who tweeted, “This boy was me when I saw the size of that veil!” Markle’s veil, if you don’t know, was a whopping 16 feet long. And it was iconic.
Check out the other reactions to Train Face Boy for yourself, below:
Markle and Prince Harry’s wedding ceremony clocked in at about an hour, and it included a sermon from Bishop Michael Curry, as well as traditional vows. Directly following the church ceremony, the couple took a carriage ride around Windsor, where they greeted well-wishers. Train Face Boy was no doubt excited about that, too.
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