Peter Weber Says This Season's Bachelor Finale Is the Worst Thing He's Ever Gone Through

If she would have said that she wanted to give things with you another shot before you went on The Bachelor, would you have said yes, or would you have said, ‘No, I need to give The Bachelor a try?’
Peter: Well, this may be an unpopular opinion, but I would have said, yes, I need to give this opportunity a try with Hannah. That’s just my honest answer from the heart.
Is there anything you didn’t know when you watched the premiere last Monday? Any surprises you weren’t previously aware of?
Peter: I don’t think I realized how funny Victoria F. was! Just from her comments in the interviews, that girl is hysterical. But other than that, I don’t think there was anything insane that I didn’t know of. It’s just cool to see, because you’re not in the house, you’re not in the mansion, it’s kind of cool to see the girls and how they interact together.
Did you know how they reacted to Hannah being there?
Peter: Well, I had an idea, but again, I didn’t know she was coming that first night. I was just as surprised as they were. I was really grateful they were so understanding when I went in to talk to them and explain why, but when she came back during the group date, I knew that was going to be awkward and uncomfortable. They reacted how I would if I were in their shoes, so I wasn’t mad about that. But it’s kind of cool for the first time to see the girls interact when I’m not there.
Looking back, what would you have told yourself heading into that first night as the Bachelor?
Peter: I want to say guard your heart more, but then I don’t, because I don’t regret that. That’s just who I am, and I’m someone that wears it on my sleeve. I don’t know if I would do anything different, but if I had to say something, maybe it would be that.
You haven’t said if you’re engaged, but are you happy with how things turned out?
Peter: Yes. I can say I’m happy. I couldn’t have expected it to work the way it did, but I’m happy with where I’m at right now.
Is there still more to come, as we’ve seen the last few seasons? I mean, things haven’t really ended just because the finale has been filmed.
Peter: [Laughs] You guys will have to tune in to find out! That’s all I can give you! I want to tell you so bad, but I can’t!
This interview has been edited and condensed for clarity.
Jessica Radloff is the Glamour West Coast editor. You can follow her on Instagram here.