Snooki Reflects on the Pouf, GTL'ing, and Her Pop Culture Legacy

Probably bronzer, because I know bronzers aren’t in right now.
Back to that more is more look?
Yeah, I love plastering bronzer on me. Even though I broke out terribly from it. But just the era of bronzer and everyone wanting to be orange was amazing.
Is there a trend you never want to come back again?
No, I feel like I love everything. Well, when it comes to us and our looks, I feel like I loved it all. I think even the high hair and the tan skin, I wouldn’t mind doing that once in a while.
So the pouf isn’t dead? It could come back?
No, the pouf is dead. But high hair, I mean, that’s always OK.
Is reality TV—or being in the public eye in some way—something you want to continue doing now that you’re retiring from Jersey Shore or are you hoping to take a break from it?
I definitely don’t want to quit [being on TV]. It’s my job, and I love it. I just need something that fits me and my lifestyle. Leaving the kids for days on end and doing things I’m not comfortable doing anymore, I can’t do it. But there’s an opportunity where I can do a show that fits me being a mom and still lets me enjoy myself, that’s what I’m looking for right now. Work, have fun, be myself, and then come home to be a mom at the end of the day. I need a balance.
How was it being back on the show? I’m sure that was exciting, but also tough, like you were saying with your kids.
Well, yeah, it was definitely exciting and I loved it. But then I was getting too depressed not being with my kids. The days were dragging, and I was just forcing myself to be in that situation. I hated that feeling.
Was it hard to be back around that lifestyle? I mean, the early Jersey Shore days were all about partying. Get drunk, go to the shore, go out, cabs are here—that was the thing. In your thirties, was it more difficult to be back in that scenario?
No, I still loved it. But doing it every single night? I’d be out at the bar when I’d rather be home snuggling with my kids. I missed them. It was just like, What am I doing? Once in a while I love going out. I love going to a club. I love going to dinner and drinking. It’s not like I’m saying I hate partying. It just needs to be a balance. I need to still be a mother at the same time.
What are you looking forward to most in the next decade?
Oh, God. I hope I’m still alive. I don’t know. Maybe another kid? We’ll see. I just want to be the best mom that I can be to my kids, obviously. And, hopefully find my next career move. I just want it to be a positive environment for me—no drama. I’m not here to fight with people. I just want to have a good time, laugh, and then call it a day.
Lindsay Schallon is the senior beauty editor at Glamour. Follow her on Instagram @lindsayschallon. This interview has been edited and condensed.