'Dublin Murders' Star Killian Scott Reveals He's Got a Thing for the Spice Girls, The Office, and Karaoke

Do you like rom-coms? Do you have a favorite?
Yes! I don’t think Four Weddings and a Funeral or Notting Hill can be surpassed in that genre. Love Actually must also join the list.
What’s a dating or relationship “rule” you think is BS?
I honestly don’t know what they are but my guess is all of them.
Fill in the blank: “I love when my partner…”
… has seen Sinead O’ Connor’s performance of Mandinka at the 1989 Grammys on YouTube because it’s the best thing I’ve ever seen or heard.
You have a full day to binge-watch whatever you want: What do you pick?
The Wire. Or for comedy, the US version of The Office.
What’s the sexiest thing about yourself?
I can do a really shit handstand. I’m also from Ireland and so is Colin Farrell. Aren’t we all just trading on that?
What’s the weirdest thing you do in your alone time?
You have no idea how much that question appeals to my sense of humor. But probably the weirdest thing I do in my alone time that I will tell you is stare at a picture of Albert Camus on my wall.
Have you ever ghosted someone?
I hope not. I think that’s so shitty and boring and mean. But I probably have, unfortunately.
Screw, marry, kill: weed, pizza, a cocktail?
Kill weed, screw the cocktail, but in a non-committed considering imminent regret fashion, and happily wed the pizza.
What’s your hangover cure?
More alcohol. Nothing else at all makes a dent for me.
You stop by a convenience store on your way to a house party. What are you buying?
Cigarettes and chewing gum. I like in the States that you can buy the little cans of beer so I’d buy a bunch of those too.