Shay Mitchell Hit Back at People Mommy-Shaming Her for Going Out After Giving Birth

It hasn’t even been a month since Shay Mitchell gave birth to her daughter and already she’s facing the wrath of mommy-shamers. This week, people left her a series of critical comments about how she went to Drake’s birthday party with her boyfriend, Matte Babel, shortly after having her baby. But she defended herself on Tuesday, October 29, in an Instagram Story, standing by her decision to have at least one night out as new mom.
In the Instagram Story, Mitchell explained that she hadn’t initially seen a lot of the remarks people left her. “I haven’t been really checking my comments that often, but apparently people are really upset that I left three days after having a kid to go out and party,” she said, adding, “It wasn’t three days, and she was with [my dog] Angel, so…”
She then went on to read a few of the pointed things some of the mommy-shamers had said to her. “Wait. So you literally just had her and you’re more worried about clubbing with Drake? Wooow,” one person wrote. Another one read, “Mother of the year award right here!!!! As if you seriously could leave your baby to go party?!!! I hope the child’s aid look into this and your abilities to be a good parent cause damn!!! Lacking some serious skills there sweety! #selfish.”
Mitchell handled the unfair skepticism in stride, which makes sense given she’s been pretty open about the entire pregnancy and motherhood process. Once she announced she was expecting, she made most of her journey public by creating a YouTube series with Babel called Almost Ready. There, she candidly tackled everything from the possibility of a C-section to her 33-hour labor and delivery. We’ll have to see if Shay Mitchell continues the series. If she does, an episode about mommy-shaming seems appropriate.