Your First Look at the Final Season of ‘Orange Is the New Black’ Is Here

It’s hard to believe it’s been six years since we first entered Litchfield Penitentiary alongside Taylor Schilling’s Piper Chapman and met the diverse array of women inside. In 2013, Orange Is the New Black helped put Netflix on the map as a place to find incredible original content, and it was one of the OG bingeworthy shows. Those things seem commonplace now, but the show truly was a game changer in many ways.
Since then we’ve laughed and cried alongside these incredible female characters like Red, Taystee, Nicky, Suzanne (Crazy Eyes), and Pennsatucky. But now it’s time to say goodbye. On July 26, Netflix will begin streaming the seventh and final season of OITNB—and I, for one, am canceling all my weekend plans to spend it with my “friends.”
Seriously, this teaser trailer showing the cast singing along to Regina Spektor’s iconic theme song, “You’ve Got Time,” got me unexpectedly emotional.
When last we left them in season six, Piper was released from prison while Taystee faced a guilty verdict in her trial for Piscatella’s murder. As always, Netflix isn’t sharing a ton of plot details, but here’s what we know, thanks to a quick plot summary and some new images.
“In its final season, the ladies of Litchfield come to terms with the fact that prison has changed them forever. Piper struggles with life on the outside, while life in Max, as corrupt and unjust as ever, goes on without her,” Netflix said in a press release. “Taystee’s friendship with Cindy still hangs in the balance as her life sentence looms, Gloria and her kitchen staff are confronted by the hard truth of Polycon’s newest profit stream, while others chase drugs or dreams and grapple with the reality of their place in this world.”
From the looks of things, there will be plenty of emotional moments for everyone—and we can’t wait.
The final season of Orange Is the New Black will be available on Netflix on July 26.