SNL's Leslie Jones Unloads on the Alabama Senators Who Voted to Criminalize Abortion

Saturday Night Live cast member Leslie Jones took on Alabama’s new anti-abortion law last night during the show’s “Weekend Update” segment—and she didn’t hold back on condemning it.
Jones joined co-anchors Colin Jost and Michael Che decked out as a handmaid from The Handmaid’s Tale in a red robe and bonnet. After joking that her name is now “Ofjost,” she then ripped off her costume to display a black T-shirt that had “mine” written on it along with an arrow pointing down. What followed was a powerful, yet comical, take on the newly passed Alabama legislation that makes performing an abortion at any stage of a pregnancy a felony.
“You can’t control women. Because, I don’t know if y’all heard, but women are the same as humans. And I’m Leslie ‘Dracarys’ Jones!” she said. “I mean, why do all of these weird-ass men care what women do with their bodies?”
She then showed a photo of all 25 of the white male Senators who voted for the legislation and said, “This looks like the mugshots of everyone arrested at a massage parlor,” Jones said. “And if any of them had lips, I would tell them to kiss my entire ass.”
Jones then went on to say, “The fact that nine states are doing this means this really is a war on women.” She then made it clear that anyone feeling alone or scared is not alone.
She concluded her compelling bit on the segment with a “Dracarys” command, which is what Emilia Clarke’s character Daenerys uses on her dragons to release fire.
Watch the entire segment below: