Here's Why Kate Middleton and Prince William Won't Stay With the Royal Family for Christmas

‘Tis the season to be merry—and to figure out where the heck you’re going to put everyone who’s coming to stay with you. As it is with us normals crowded in one-bedroom apartments, so it is with the royals in their castles, and this year, who’s staying with whom might not be what you’d expect.
In case you didn’t get the invite, Queen Elizabeth is hosting one of her famous royal Christmases (which have been compared to no less than “Downton Abbey on speed“) at her Sandringham estate in Norfolk, about two-and-a-quarter hours north-east of London. Apparently, although the manor is definitely the size you’d expect for the royal family, there are enough people staying in its 29 bedrooms that there’s no room to fit Kate Middleton and Prince William plus their three kids.
Meghan Markle and Prince Harry, however, will be staying at Sandringham—which is a pretty nice gesture for one’s first Royal Christmas as a full-fledged duchess.
It’s not the first time the Gen-X royals have decamped to Sandringham for Christmas, either: It’s something of a tradition. Last year, everyone gathered for Christmas church services in nearby King’s Lynn and subsequent celebrations back at the estate—and it looked like they had a holly jolly time indeed.
PHOTO: Chris Jackson

PHOTO: Chris Jackson
Because this news is coming amid rumors of royal strife between Markle and Middleton, some are quick to tie these sleeping arrangements to the duchesses’ divide—but let’s not make any hasty judgements just yet. After all, with the three junior royals Kate and Will have in tow now, a little extra space might be just the thing to keep the holiday stress down.
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