Amy Schumer Is Pregnant With Her First Child

A baby is on the way for Amy Schumer and her husband, chef Chris Fischer. The comedian confirmed she’s pregnant on Monday (October 22) via her friend Jessica Yellin’s Instagram Story.
Here’s exactly how she broke the news: Late Monday afternoon, Schumer posted a meme to Instagram of her and Fischer’s heads Photoshopped over Meghan Markle and Prince Harry’s bodies and captioned it, “About to announce some exciting news on @jessicayellin insta page. Please follow her for up to the minute #newsnotnoise she breaks down what’s really going on. She agreed to post a lil noise today for me! Follow her and VOTE!!” The photo featured Markle (who recently announced she’s pregnant) holding her stomach, which tipped fans off to what Schumer might’ve been announcing.
Yellin, a journalist who founded the media platform News Not Noise—aimed at helping readers cut through the clutter of 2018’s news cycle—opened up her Instagram Story with a shout-out to Schumer. “I wanted to share some news from our community, maybe it’s noise but it’s happy noise,” Yellin said. “So I’m not in the business of making voting recommendations, but these are the recommendations of Amy Schumer, one of the most consistent and earliest supporters of News Not Noise. Now read all the way to the bottom, you’ll see there’s some news down there. Congratulations, Amy.”
The next slide on Yellin’s IG Story shows Schumer’s list of congressional and gubernatorial recs, and at the bottom is just four words: “I’m pregnant – Amy Schumer.”
See the post for yourself, below:
PHOTO: Instagram
Schumer and Fischer tied the knot in February 2018 during an intimate ceremony in Malibu. The Trainwreck actress confirmed the nuptials on Instagram by posting a few photos from the day with a simple caption: “Yup.”
Congrats, you two!
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