Beyoncé Stopped Herself From Falling Down the Stairs in Concert Like a Pro

Beyoncé performs almost every single one of her concerts in stilettos, and her ongoing On the Run II tour with Jay-Z is no exception. That means, though, that the occasional trip or misstep is bound to happen. The latest hiccup happened Thursday night (August 23) at Bey and Jay’s OTRII show in Nashville: Queen B nearly fell down the stairs on stage, but she used some kind of otherworldly strength to catch her balance on one foot. That, my friends, is truly defying gravity.
One concertgoer, who shared their angle of the breathtaking save on Instagram, titled the moment “Beyoncé Vs ‘The Stairs,'” declaring, “Beyoncé Wins!” In the video, you see Bey walk down the stairs; her right ankle begins to wobble, causing her to come down hard on her left foot and sink into a squat. At this point, a normal human would’ve been unable to stop their legs from flying out in front of them, but not Beyoncé: Instead, she did a subtle body roll to fight the fall and used her leg strength to push up and out of the squat.
See it for yourself, below:
This isn’t the first on-stage mishap to happen on the OTRII Tour. During her and Jay-Z’s show in Warsaw, Poland in early July, Bey was flying over the audience while performing “Young Forever” when her floating stage malfunctioned, leaving her stranded in midair. Rather than freaking out, Beyoncé remained nonchalant and blew kisses to the fans below until a crew member could set up an emergency ladder.
During her Philadelphia concert at the end of July, Bey’s ponytail braid reportedly got stuck in her earring while she was dancing up a storm. Fans described on Twitter how, despite that annoyance, she never missed a step and never even tried to unhook her hair. Dedication!
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