Meghan Markle Told Her Make-Up Artist About Her Royal Wedding With Emojis

Sure, the royal wedding was a historical event and probably one of the most massive moments in Meghan Markle’s life, but did she stress out when she was telling her friends about the big day? Nope. She sent emojis, like a totally normal person.
Markle’s longtime friend and make-up artist Daniel Martin was a guest on Good Morning America on Tuesday and told audiences how Markle roped him into doing her bridal makeup. Apparently, there wasn’t a full marching band or a thousand white doves or any crazy fanfare—the Duchess of Sussex simply shot Martin a few texts.
“She [texted and] was, like, ‘Hey—what are you doing May 19th?’ And then she sent me two emojis of the bride and groom. I was, like, ‘Okay, yeah, whatever you need,'” Martin said.
Just like that. As though getting married to a real-life prince in front of thousands of people at St George’s Chapel is something you just casually text about—but I guess that’s life when you’re Meghan Markle.
Although we would have been busy shouting the news from every rooftop in London, Markle and Martin started working on practical things, like what kind of look Markle would channel. Martin shared how he achieved her glowing make-up the day of the wedding, something he described to Glamour back in May, when he said they had come up with anchor descriptions like timeless, effortless, and chic. On Good Morning America, Martin also went into detail about how he captured her natural beauty.
“When [Harry] takes the veil off, and he sees her, that’s, like, the moment I think a bride wants—when she has that moment with her future husband,” he told Good Morning America. “It wasn’t about a trendy makeup. It wasn’t about a lot of eye or a lot of lip. It was about her, and her being confident.”
He also gave a little insight into how the morning went down the day of the wedding, and it sounds like Markle was totally relaxed and cool: “We had breakfast. Guy, her dog was with us. We were playing around with him,” Martin said, “It was a very chill morning … her mom was there, which was amazing.”
A very chill morning of kicking back with your dog and then just, you know, marrying a prince and becoming a duchess. No big deal.
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