Ivanka Trump Just Called Karlie Kloss Her 'Sister' on Instagram

Karlie Kloss revealed on Instagram earlier this week that she and her longtime boyfriend, Joshua Kushner, are engaged, and fans have been celebrating in their comments sections ever since. Both Karlie and Joshua’s engagement posts are flooded with messages from well-wishers, friends, and family members—including Ivanka Trump, who’s married to Joshua’s brother, Jared.
Ivanka posted not one but two Instagram comments congratulating Joshua and Karlie on their engagement. The one she left on Joshua’s page is pretty standard: “So incredibly happy for you Josh,” she wrote. “You and Karlie are blessed to have found one another. Here’s to a lifetime of love, laughter + adventure for you both!”
PHOTO: Instagram/Joshua Kushner
But the comment she left on Karlie’s page has the Internet buzzing. “So, so happy for you and Josh,” she wrote. “I feel blessed to have you as a sister (!!!) Karlie and look forward to the decades of happy memories we will create together as a family!” Yes, you’re reading that second sentence correctly: Ivanka calls Karlie her sister.
Check out the comment for yourself, below:

PHOTO: Instagram/Karlie Kloss
Ivanka isn’t technically wrong; after Karlie marries Joshua, they will, in fact, be sister-in-laws. Even still, people have mixed emotions about her declaration. Below, just a few reactions from Twitter:
“I love you more than I have words to express. Josh, you’re my best friend and my soulmate. I can’t wait for forever together. Yes a million times over,” Karlie wrote in her original Instagram post announcing her engagement to Joshua.
She opened up about their relationship in W magazine earlier this year, too, saying, “I’m incredibly busy, but I love what I do, and my boyfriend’s incredibly busy, but he loves what he does too. I think it’s important to make time to be with your loved ones—to work hard, play hard. That’s the way I live my life.”
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