Proof Celebrities Love a Good Deal at Target as Much as You

Real talk: We can all spend hours inside Target. What’s not to love? For one, many of the stores have Pizza Hut or Starbucks pop-ups inside, so you can eat as you browse aisles and aisles of soap products. This, mixed with its relatively low prices, make Target a go-to basics destination for most millennials—and even a few celebrities. Yup.
Even though they rake in millions of dollars each year, some A-listers just can’t resist the bargains—and the Starbucks, probably—that await inside Target. There are entire blog posts dedicated to how much Britney Spears loves the store, in fact. But she’s not the only star who’s entered these hallowed red-bull’s-eye-covered grounds. From Katie Holmes to Michelle Obama, here are celebrities who’ve kept it frugal and popped in at Target. Hey, even the former First Lady loves a good deal.