Meghan Markle Followed the Queen's Nail Polish Rule for the Royal Wedding

With royal weddings, tiny things start to take on huge stakes. In the fashion realm, it’s finally fascinators’ time to shine, and with beauty, everyone holds their breath to see if the Queen’s nail polish policy will be upheld. Not familiar? The Queen loves delicate, translucent nail shades, and palace lore has it that she finds colorful nail polish (even traditionally classic shades like cherry red) vulgar.
So what did Meghan Markle pick for her wedding nail polish? While she’s made waves for breaking royal protocol with her messy buns that she favors, Meghan opted to wear a neutral pink-y beige manicure for the royal wedding. It’s unclear what the exact shade is at this moment, but both the Queen and Kate Middleton tend to favor Essie.
Duchess Kate, for example, wore Essie’s Allure for her wedding in 2011. And the Queen has been a long-time fan of Ballet Slippers ever since her hairstylist requested a bottle for her in 1989—the same year that Meghan was born. A bottle of it is currently sold every two seconds, and in 2018 alone, almost 80,000 bottles have been sold. While Meghan’s manicure looks slightly more opaque than the sheer Ballet Slippers, it’s the polish most royal fans have been betting she’d wear.


She’s abided by the polish rule since announcing her engagement back in November 2017, as a perusal from her appearances show:

PHOTO: Christopher Furlong
On December 1, she went with this opaque light pink for a World AIDS Day charity fair.
On December 21, in her official engagement photos.

PHOTO: Charles McQuillan
On March 23, she went with a similarly pale shade for her and Prince Harry’s trip to Northern Ireland.

PHOTO: Max Mumby/Indigo
April 25 brought more of the same, albeit with what looks like a slightly pinker spin.
This story is still developing, and we’ll update this post when more details emerge.
Related Stories:
–There’s a Reason You’ll Never See Kate Middleton Wearing Red Nail Polish
–How Essie’s Ballet Slippers Became the ‘Safe’ Shade
–Essie Topless & Barefoot Is Most Popular Nail Polish on Pinterest—and Perfect for Wedding Season
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