Busy Philipps Just Dyed Michelle Williams' Hair Pink on Instagram

Legend has it that celebrities are just like us, and watching Busy Philipps dye Michelle Williams’ hair pink, well, let’s just say we’re starting to buy into that idea a little more. On Wednesday night, the real-life best friends recorded the whole night for Instagram, and it’s impossible to look away.
The action began while the duo and a friend were staying up for a flight back to LA from Paris. After going out, they were back in a hotel room (with white wine) when the pink-haired Philipps whipped out her leave-in hair tint. “Guys, we’re going to dye her hair pink. What do you think? Is this a good idea? Look at that hair. It’s going to be pink,” Philipps explained to the camera.

PHOTO: Instagram / @busyphilipps
Philipps says she uses the tint for 20 minutes to get her pink color, so they decided to put it into William’s platinum pixie for five minutes. The goal: “perfectly millennial pink” hair. Philipps massaged it in; Williams’ face is, in a word, incredible. In two words, incredible and relatable.

PHOTO: Instagram / @busyphilipps
Five minutes of wine time later, and Williams’ was freshly pink.

For how it happened, the color looks great—like pink champagne (alcohol pun not intended), strawberry blond’s platinum-based sister.

In a Leslie Knope way, Philipps said what we were all thinking: “She has slightly pink hair, and it’s fucking beautiful. She’s like a little nymph asleep next to me.”
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