Meghan Trainor Is Not OK With Being Used in an Anti-Marriage Equality Post

PHOTO: Jason Merritt/Getty Images
As a vote on marriage equality in Australia approaches, Facebook groups have popped up to advocate for each side. But when VoteNoAustralia, a group that’s against marriage equality, used an image of pop star Meghan Trainor in a meme they got some serious heat from the star—and the Twitterverse, Buzzfeed reports.
First, some background information on the vote: Starting on September 12, Australians who have registered to vote on this issue will receive survey forms in the mail asking, essentially, whether they are in favor of legalizing gay marriage in the country or not. Votes will be accepted until November 7.
The caption on the anti-marriage equality meme feature Meghan reads, “My vote is NO you need to let it go,” a play on the lyrics to Meghan’s song “No,” which actually goes, “My number is no/ You need to let it go,” and is about rejecting guys at the club, not denying people civil rights.
Repurposing one of Meghan’s lyrics to make a political point is so ridiculous, it’s almost funny. Almost. Advocating against marriage equality isn’t really a laughing matter, and for her part, Meghan is definitely not cool with her image being used in this manner. The singer took to Twitter to voice her support of equal marriage rights.
“I SUPPORT MARRIAGE EQUALITY! Someone in Australia is illegally using my picture for a campaign against marriage equality. So wrong. Not okay,” she wrote on Twitter in a series of three posts. “I’ve said it before, Everyone should be able to love who they want. I support equality, period. VOTE YES FOR MARRIAGE EQUALITY. LOVE IS LOVE” with a link to an Instagram post reminding Aussies to register for the vote.”
Couldn’t have said it better ourselves, Meghan. All adults should make sure they can vote, and all adults should be free to marry the person they love.
See all the posts here:
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