How to Have a Nipple Orgasm

When your nipples are stimulated, these feel good vibes also find their way to a key brain structure called the hypothalamus, which among its many important functions, regulates the brain chemicals that make us exhilarated, furious, horny, or happy. Stimulation of the nipples causes the hypothalamus to release oxytocin—the “love hormone.”
What does a nipple orgasm feel like?
From most reports, nipplegasms feel quite good and can range in intensity from the small sigh-like kind of orgasm to the bigger toe-curling variety.
If you factor in the fact that nipple stimulation targets ground zero of the “genital sensory cortex” and can also cause pleasurable contractions down below, it isn’t surprising that the nipplegasm can resemble orgasms from stimulation of the clitoris and vagina.
Can anyone have a nipple orgasm?
I wish I knew. Reports based on non-scientific surveys estimate the percentage of women experiencing orgasm from nipple stimulation alone ranges anywhere from 1% to 15.5%. This is far from scientifically conclusive but I would speculate that the more orgasmic a woman is in general, the more likely she will be able to enjoy the delights of an orgasm induced by nipple stimulation alone.
How to have a nipplegasm
For starters, the advice I give women, in general, applies equally well here: don’t strive for the orgasm, but rather enjoy the sensations along the way. Nonetheless, here are some suggestions for having more fun with your nipples.
1. Do kegels while stimulating your nipples.
In addition to the sexual health benefits of strengthening the pelvic floor through a regular practice of kegels, pulling up on the floor of the pelvis (using a similar action to that used to stop the flow of urine midstream) and rhythmically contracting the PC muscles during nipple stimulation can enhance sexual pleasure and increase the probability of enjoying an nipplegasm. Or any other kind of “gasm” for that matter.
2. Get your head in the game.
I published a study showing that simply imagining pleasurable genital stimulation without any actual physical touch lit up the pleasure places in the brain very much like the real thing. Take advantage of your powerful mind and use it to connect the sensations you experience during nipple stimulation with thinking about/fantasizing/imagining pleasurable genital touch.
3. Stimulate various parts of your body.
To prime your body for pleasure, alternate between genital touch and nipple touch, taking advantage of the neuroscience adage “neurons that fire together wire together.” The more both regions get stimulated in tandem, the stronger the connections between them will become.
4. Prioritize pleasure.
And finally, don’t forget to devote more time to pleasure. Period. The more you play, the more likely you are to find your way to to nipplegasm-land.
Nan Wise, Ph.D., is AASECT certified sex therapist, neuroscientist, certified relationship expert, and author of Why Good Sex Matters: Understanding the Neuroscience of Pleasure for a Smarter, Happier, and More Purpose-Filled Life. Follow her @AskDoctorNan.