Sarah Hyland Shares Inspiring Message for 'Fellow Invisible Illness Warriors'

Sarah Hyland has never been shy about sharing health updates with the world. In 2017, the Modern Family star revealed to fans that she had to undergo a kidney transplant as she was born with kidney dysplasia, a chronic health condition caused when the kidneys fail to develop fully in the womb. However, the actress is now sharing another part of her wellness journey: her fight against insecurity.
“To my fellow #invisibleillness warriors. It’s ok to be insecure about your body,” Hyland shared in a new Instagram post alongside a paparazzi shot of her leaving the gym. “Just remember to check in with yourself at least once a day and say thank you. Our bodies have endured unfathomable feats that our minds barely have time to comprehend what has actually happened.”
Hyland went on to explain, “With inflammation, excess water gain, and medications, my skin has a hard time bouncing back. I saw this picture and HATED it but quickly readjusted my attitude and decided to celebrate it. Love yourself and be patient. We are all stronger than we think we are.”
Just a few months ago, Hyland shared another snap to the social media platform in an effort to openly discuss her body issues. In the older post, Hyland wrote in part, “And a final thank you to my ever-changing self-confidence for making the decision to not wear Spanx and let my KUPA (kidney upper pussy area) shine like the badass bitch she is.”
Indeed, the term KUPA has become a favorite one of both Hyland and her fans. In the comments of her most recent post, one follower wrote, “Thank you for reminding me this. Also thank you for making up the term KUPA (Kidney Upper Pussy Area) I will now always refer to my lower right abdomen as that.” Another added, “Yes! Real bodies that battle everyday are beautiful. Love that you posted this.”
Long story short, keep the body positivity posts coming, Hyland, because every body is here for it.