27 Celebs Who Are Definitely Stocking Up On Matching Family Pajamas for the Holidays

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There’s a chill in the air and a frenzied, Pumpkin Spice Latte–wielding crowd dismantling the Elf on the Shelf display at the mall. And that, friends, means that the holidays are just around the corner. It also means that RIGHT NOW is the time to stock up your matching family pajamas—before everyone in Hollywood beats you to ’em.
If you haven’t noticed, every December, the A-list goes into hibernation. There are fewer celebs on the red carpets, rows sit empty at awards shows, and the paparazzi camped out in front of every LA Starbucks start taking photos of each other when days pass without a reality star in sight. Because they’re all at home, sipping hot chocolate in their matching family pajamas.
I can hear you thinking, “Celebrities don’t wear matching family pajamas. They wear Yeezys and thousand-dollar dresses and diamonds.” But I dug through the darkest corners of Instagram to find 27 posts that say otherwise—photos that prove that celebrities are snapping up the best matching family pajamas while the last thing you bought was a sad desk salad. Let’s review.
Gabrielle Union
OCTOBER 27, 2019
Gabrielle Union wore matching white-on-white with daughter Kaavia last year for baby’s first Christmas. But given how hard the mother-daughter duo went on Halloween we’re expecting a strong matching family pajama game this year.
Serena Williams
SEPTEMBER 21, 2019
Serena Williams’ whole Instagram is basically a testament to the fact that her family would beat yours in a matching family anything competition, 365 days a year.
APRIl 9, 2019