Kendall Jenner’s #BottleCapChallenge Video Is Unreal

The #BottleCapChallenge has officially taken over social media—with celebrities and noncelebs alike. Yesterday we thought nobody would top Mariah Carey‘s entry, in which she popped off a bottle top using her magnificent voice, but then Kendall Jenner got involved.
In case you’ve been offline for the past week, the #BottleCapChallenge is basically this summer’s version of the #InMyFeelingsChallenge (which had people across the country hopping out of moving vehicles to dance to the Drake hit). This time around, though, the internet has decided that we should all attempt to remove a bottle cap with our feet and some fancy spin moves.
According to the New York Times, the origins may be tracked to Farabi Davletchin, a tae kwon do champion, who posted his video on June 25.
Jason Statham, who was tagged by Davletchin, was one of the first famous people to get involved. “This thing landed on my head from @johnmayer but will quickly go to a couple of fellas we’ve seen do push ups badly. All yours @guyritchie and @jmoontasri,” he wrote in the caption, accompanied by his impressive video, which has now been viewed over 19 million times.
Soon other celebrities like Ryan Reynolds, Justin Bieber, and Carey were posting their own takes on the challenge.
The degree of difficulty seemed to go up with each passing day. Hailey Bieber, challenged by her husband, used an ATV as an accessory and then nominated her good friend Kendall Jenner, who took it to a whole new level.
Seriously, check out these skills as the supermodel expertly gets the cap to spin off while riding a jet ski in a bikini. “You asked for it @haileybieber,” she wrote it the caption.
We knew Jenner was athletic, but this is an insane level of coordination on display. I guess we’ll have to wait and see if anyone can top it.