2020 Presidential Election Dates: Everything You Need to Know

When can I go out and vote?
It depends on where you live. Iowa always goes first, which is why you’ll see so many of the candidates spending time in the Hawkeye State. The Iowa caucus will take place on Monday, February 3, 2020. Then the primary elections will continue, state by state, until late June. You can search for your primary election date, below, but please note that in certain states the Republican and Democratic elections take place on different dates.
Iowa: February 3; New Hampshire: February 11; South Carolina (R): February 15; Nevada: February 25; South Carolina (D): February 29
Super Tuesday (March 3)
Alabama, Alaska (R), American Samoa (D), Arkansas, California, Colorado, Georgia, Massachusetts, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Democrats Abroad
Kansas (R): March 7; Kentucky (R): March 7; Louisiana: March 7; Maine (R): March 7; Maine (D): March 8; Puerto Rico (R): March 8; Hawaii (R): March 10; Idaho: March 10; Michigan: March 10; Mississippi: March 10; Missouri: March 10; North Dakota (D): March 10; Ohio: March 10; Washington: March 10; Virgin Islands (R): March 12; D.C. (R): March 14; Guam (R): March 14; Northern Marianas (D): March 14; Wyoming (R): March 14; Arizona: March 17; Florida: March 17; Illinois: March 17; Northern Marianas (R) March 17; American Samoa (R): March 24
Alaska (D): March 4; Hawaii (D): March 4; Wisconsin: March 7; New York (R): March 21; New York (D): March 28; Connecticut: March 28; Delaware: March 28; Maryland: March 28; Pennsylvania: March 28; Rhode Island: March 28
May 2020
Kansas: May 2; Guam (D): May 2; Indiana: May 5; Nebraska: May 12; West Virginia: May 12; Kentucky (D): May 19; Oregon: May 19
Montana: June 2; New Jersey: June 2; New Mexico: June 2; South Dakota: June 2; Virgin Islands (D): June 6; Puerto Rico (D): June 7; D.C. (D): June 16
When are the conventions?
The Democratic National Convention will go first. It will be held in Milwaukee, from July 13 to July 16, 2020. It’s the first time in more than a century that the DNC will take place in a Midwest city other than Chicago. Many have taken this as a sign that the Democrats are trying to focus on winning the votes of those in Wisconsin and other Midwestern industrial states in the next election.