The Biggest Tearjerkers Streaming on Netflix for When You Just Need a Good Cry

Sometimes we’re just in the mood to cry. Whether it’s because of the weather, a crappy day at work, or a breakup, we find solace in our tears. It’s cathartic—an exercise for your emotions. At times, though, the problem arises when you want to cry but can’t seem to muster up the feelings to get there. This stifling state of purgatory is beyond frustrating: All you want to do is release, but your eyes are on the fritz. That’s where tearjerkers come in. With their emotionally taxing plots and weepy protagonists, tearjerkers (whether movies or TV shows) have the ability to unlock even the most ironclad tear ducts. These 13 in particular, which are all streaming on Netflix, have a 100-percent success rate. Gallons of tears guaranteed.