Sophie Turner Hints At Sansa Stark's Fate Ahead of GOT Series Finale

In a new Sunday Times magazine article, Game of Thrones star Sophie Turner touched on mental health, her relationship with her now-husband Joe Jonas, and the series finale of GoT, which airs Sunday (May 19) on HBO. Specifically, she dropped a rare hint about how everything will wrap up for her character, Sansa Stark—and to be honest, it’s hard to know what to make of it.
Fans are still in shock from last week’s episode, which had a massive twist that left viewers reeling and wondering how it will all end (no spoilers here about all that, but feel free to read more on that here). As the end of the series approaches, Turner told the UK-based paper that the ending of the 8-year long television show was “satisfying” for her. However, there’s a huge “but” in there for the rest of us.
Stark’s long been considered a contender to take the throne—as is Daenerys, Jon Snow, and Arya. And while she’s definitely not giving anything away with her statement on the ending, it does leave us wondering. “It’s a great ending, from my perspective, it’s very satisfying,” she told The Sunday Times magazine. “But I think a lot of people will be upset too.”
We might not know exactly what’s happening, but at least one person outside of the cast does: Turner told the outlet that she spilled the beans to Jonas—much to his chagrin.
“I’ve just told Joe. But he’s so mad at me—he loves the show!” she said. “Well, I have to tell someone, otherwise I’ll burst.”
This isn’t the first time Turner’s dropped hints about tonight’s episode. She told 60 Minutes earlier this year that “some people will be satisfied, others not so much.”
Luckily, we only have to wait a few more hours to find out exactly what’s going to go down in Westeros.