All the Hidden References on Taylor Swift's New Magazine Cover

Taylor Swift appears on the latest cover of Entertainment Weekly, and a lot of the accompanying interview revolves around her habit of dropping hidden clues and messages for fans about her new music. Given the topic, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that the singer used her appearance on the cover to give even more hints about TS7.
The main source of speculation is Swift’s jacket on the cover, which is covered with tons of different buttons and pins. The text on the magazine reads, “Each of Taylor’s buttons is an Easter egg! Go to page 26 to decode them.” Naturally, Swifties are taking a serious magnifying glass to each button and offering their theories about what they mean.
Here’s what they’ve come up with so far:
1. Selena Gomez.
Some fans think this could mean an upcoming collaboration.
2. Her pet cats.
Swift has three cats, and they all seem to be pictured on the jacket.
3. The Dixie Chicks.
Another potential collab? Or a tour guest?
4. Game of Thrones characters.
Yep, those are the Stark sisters. Another pin is dedicated to Danerys Targaryn. Maybe she just really loves the show, or maybe the characters represent something deeper.
5. Drake.
Some people think this might be a collaboration, or a signal that Swift could release a double album like the Toronto rapper.
6. Grey’s Anatomy favorites.
Meredith Grey and Cristina Yang are in there, along with a heart that says “My Person.” That’s led some Twitter users to think there might be a song on TS7 named after the famous Grey’s Anatomy line. Also, keep in mind one of Swift’s cats is named after Meredith Grey.
7. The cast of Friends.
Swift loves the show.
8. Faith Hill.
In addition to the Dixie Chicks, there’s a Faith Hill nod. Maybe she’s planning a major country collab or drawing inspiration from the Mississippi singer.
9. Troye Sivan.
Fans are crossing their fingers that this means Sivan could be joining Swift on tour.
10. “Track 5.”
Swifties have a running joke that “Track 5” on her albums is always the most personal. This might be a clue she’s planning something special for the new album’s fifth song.
11. Law & Order.
A button that reads “Dun Dun” might be a direct reference to the popular Law & Order intro noise.
12. Mister Rogers.
One Twitter user thinks this might actually be a clever callback to Swift’s birthplace in Pennsylvania.
13. “I Tried” on a tombstone.
Swift said the album gets emotional. Some fans believe a tombstone with a flower that says “I tried” represents the record’s more intense moments.
14. Cats The Musical.
Swift is appearing in the film adaption of this popular show, due out this holiday season.
15. “Calm.”
Swift yells, “Je suis calme!” during her video for “ME!”
16. “Awesome.”
This word plays an important role on Swift’s song “ME!”
17. A rainbow heart.
Rainbows are a major part of Swift’s new aesthetic.
18. Seven pastel hearts.
Obviously, this symbolizes her seven albums.