Too Faced's Better Than Sex Eyeliner Lives Up to the Hype—Review
I’ve never done well with feeling left out. Ever since I was a kid, I’ve had this unshakable FOMO that has only gotten worse with the introduction of social media. And I especially hate having to sit on the sideline of a trend or new product as much as I do missing an invite to a party. Not being able to hype up a product as much as everyone else, especially in the tight-knit beauty community, makes me feel like I’m the last to be picked in gym class.
So imagine my heartbreak when I got my hands on the iconic Too Faced Better Than Sex mascara, and it didn’t work for me. This product has a serious cult following—it’s a favorite of celebrities, editors, and nearly every one of my friends. According to the brand, a tube is sold every seven seconds, and it’s the #1 best-selling prestige mascara in America. (It’s also unsurprisingly a long-standing Glamour Beauty Award winner.)
Better Than Sex has everything I love in a beauty product; a salacious name, baby-pink packaging, and the promise to really deliver. However, the brush is a little too big for my tiny lashes and the formula a little too wet, and instead of the turned-up bombshell lashes everyone else gets, I’m left with clumpy stubs.
So when I got word that the brand was launching a complementary eyeliner, I was thrilled. Finally, I had a second chance to get in on the Better Than Sex fan club. The Better Than Sex Easy Glide Waterproof Liquid Eyeliner comes in the same feminine pink packaging as its sister mascara. It’s a liner pen, which I love for making cat eyes, and has a brush tip, which I prefer over a felt. The brand claims it’s waterproof and lasts 24 hours, and has an-easy glide formula and tip.
When I first tried the liner, I was immediately impressed by how easily it went on. I was quickly able to outline the wing and then fill it in in about 10 seconds flat (it usually takes triple that time). I also found it was natural to use longer continuous stokes, whereas I usually dash my liner in smaller connecting lines for control. The liner is on the drier side, so it’s simple to manage and creates a nice sharp wing without any ink bleeding or traveling. It’s a super-dark black and dries down to a clean matte finish.
I have found that it gets a little streaky, and you absolutely must shake it before using—the packaging has a cheeky “shake me baby!” written right by the cap so you don’t forget. The good news is it layers beautifully, so there’s no flaking or pilling when you layer more product in any bald spots.
The liner in action
Courtesy of Bella Cacciatore
My one major gripe is that, at least on me, it doesn’t last anywhere near the 24-hour mark. My eyes have been incredibly watery anytime I set foot outside (shout-out to allergy season!), so by the time I get to the office, I notice a little bit of streaking and smudging at the corners. If my eyes don’t water I’m A-OK; I just need to be a more little mindful of rubbing my eyes, which I’m used to as a lifelong eyeliner wearer. To side-step the problem, I’ve just been applying liner at my desk when I get to work, and if I know I’m going to be outside, sweating, or crying, I just pick another option that may be a little harder to work with.
Despite all that, I’ll definitely keep reaching for Better Than Sex. It’s nice to be included.