Watch Prince Harry Surprise a Crowd by Bringing Meghan Markle on Stage

Maybe we should just start calling Meghan Markle and Prince Harry the Duke and Duchess of Heart-Eye Emojis, as they continue their reign as the most publicly affectionate royal couple. The latest of piece of evidence: Prince Harry bringing Markle out on stage after he gave a speech in celebration of WE Day UK, an initiative that celebrates young leaders and encourages them to take part in social change.
“I’m now going to try and drag my wife on stage,” the Duke of Sussex said before walking over to help Markle onto the stage while the crowd cheered loudly. As the Duchess of Sussex waved to the crowd, Harry said, “I am with you, and we are with you, now get to work!”
Watch the sweet moment for yourself in the video below:
And, of course, there was hand-holding and adorable eye-gazing once Markle made it to the stage.

This event is one that is right up the Sussexes’ alley, seeing how much they both love empowering young people. “To be amongst all of you progressive, motivated, open minded, change-makers, is what gives me hope for the future,” Harry said in his speech. “Your optimism is inspiring — you see opportunities where other people see challenges; you seek solutions when others just focus on problems.” He went on to touch on issues ranging from mental health and climate change.
While Meghan didn’t take the mic, her presence was felt before she even took the stage. “Every day you are inundated with an overexposure of advertising and mainstream media, social media and endless comparisons, distorting the truth, and trying to manipulate the power of positive thinking. But you don’t let them sway you,” Harry said. “Because you don’t need to hide behind your device to share your voice. You confidently voice your opinions because you can embrace them proudly. As my wife often reminds me with one of her favorite quotes by Martin Luther King Jr: ‘Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.'”
Well said, Your Royal Highness.