11 Rules of Being Friends With Benefits
Kicking off a friends with benefits relationship can be a lot of liberating fun. After all, it’s a hookup with no strings attached between two people who genuinely like and trust each other. But, of course, that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s uncomplicated.
It’s hard to prescribe a clear-cut set of rules for being friends with benefits—every situation is different. But there is one thing these relationships all have in common: a need for some good old fashioned communication. It’s always a good idea to talk about what the expectations are—at some point! maybe not in bed!—and even set a few guidelines about what’s going to go down before things go down. That’s a lot of frank talk before the fun stuff, but things can get a little knotty if both parties are aren’t on the same page. We asked the experts for their best advice for navigating a friends with benefits situation with minimal drama.