Lena Dunham, Sia and More Celebs Went to the Border to Protest the Separation of Migrant Families

For the past week, much of the public has been decrying the Trump administration’s “zero-tolerance” policy, which treats would-be adult migrants at the border as criminal offenders, resulting in the separation of the children accompanying them. Although the White House has stepped back from separating children from parents and, on Saturday, announced protocol for reuniting those separated, questions still remain on how the government plans to put families back together again.
To protest the Trump administration’s zero-tolerance policy, a number of celebrities reportedly aligned with Voto Latino headed to the border over the weekend to rally.
Lena Dunham
“We came to Tornillo, Texas, to show our solidarity with the families who have been separated, the children who are alone, the parents who are grieving and the undocumented Americans who are losing more than I can fathom. Thank you, Tornillo, for showing us a warm border welcome and reminding us that together we rise.”
Jenni Konner
“This is the border. They have closed the pedestrian walkwaybecause of this peaceful rally to #endfamilyseparation. They do not want us to see detention tents. They do not want us to witness this tragedy up close.”
“Help @votolatino do imperative work to protect and serve our asylum seekers. I will match all donations up to $100k. please RT votolatino.org/donate“
Mira Sorvino“TY so much @lenadunham for inviting me on this moving journey of bearing witness at the border. Tho they would not let us pass through, knowing that those children were there on the other side of the barbed wires, in a desert where the heat was easily over 100, made me want to fight even harder to #EndFamilySeparation”
“Looking back on best messages on our way to the #border #tornillo @votolatino to #rally v. #familyseparation #KeepFamiliesTogether I took these at the #FamiliesBelongTogether @familiesbelongtogetherla march a week and a half ago. Now sitting across the bus aisle from @doloreshuerta !!”
Ione Skye
“Rob Reiner speaking at detention center . We need to make sure these kids are not being mistreated. Vote in November. This treatment has zero Tolerance and dignity.”
“Detaining children doesn’t need to represent America. #familiesbelongtogether vote in November donate and pass the information on. It is not over and the policies have to change. They are not breaking laws-Seeking Asylum is not Illegal in America”
Angelique Cabral
“Scenes from today in Tornillo, TX at the Port of Entry. We held a peaceful rally, and yet they still closed the pedestrian walkway; they don’t want us to see the detention camps. Its unfathomable to me. As a human, I’m devastated. As a parent, I’m livid ?? We need to act now. To learn more & join the movement visit stopseparation.org/March ????????????????#FamiliesBelongTogether #EndFamilyDetention”
“So proud to be supporting @votolatino today rallying in Tornillo, TX to bring an end to family detention”
Anna Camp
“Speaking up for children and their families here at the port of entry. #keepfamiliestogetheract #stopseparatingfamilies morality > politics”
Katie Lowes
“They closed the pedestrian gate at the border. Must really not want us to see the detention tents. I wonder why. This is just awful… #keepfamiliestogether”
“Stepping off the bus in Tornillo, TX, the first site where hundreds of refugee children are detained in temporary shelters and separated from their families, to rally with people from all over the US to #keepfamiliestogether.”
Casey Wilson
“In Tornillo, Texas at the border where hundreds of refugee children are being detained in temporary shelters. We are here to bear witness. We are singing and chanting in hopes our voices will reach the tents. I hope they felt our love. #keepfamiliestogether This is not okay. This is not America. If you support Trump know that you are on the wrong side of history.”
Related Stories:
The White House Just Announced a Plan to Reunite Separated Migrant Families
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