Prince George Looks Absolutely Adorable on His First Day of School

PHOTO: Richard Pohle / Getty Images
Ah, to be 4 years old again. Prince George, despite his princely title and the almost-certain fact that he’ll be reigning over the United Kingdom someday, just embarked on a right of passage for all youngsters everywhere: his first day of school.
As reported by The Telegraph, George was escorted to his posh Thomas’s Battersea school on Wednesday morning by his father, Prince William. Mom Kate Middleton, sadly, wasn’t able to accompany the two due to her intense morning sickness, as she is currently about 12 weeks pregnant with her third child. “Unfortunately the Duchess of Cambridge remains unwell, and will not be able to accompany Prince George on his first day of school,” a statement released by Kensington Palace read. “The Duke of Cambridge will drop off Prince George this morning as planned.”
George’s arrival was a casual affair, with William taking him by the hand and holding his backpack while they walked up to the building. He’ll be required to wear a spiffy little uniform while attending Thomas’s Battersea—look at that sweater and polo combo!—and he’ll eschew his royal title, per The Telegraph, to be referred to as George Cambridge by his teachers and peers. Additionally, his class will contain about 22 children and he’ll reap in the benefits of his own desk and locker. Just don’t expect any VIP treatment.
“Our aim for him, as well as for all of our pupils, is to provide a safe and secure and happy environment where he feels supported by a kind and loving community. That’s all we will be trying to achieve for him,” the school’s headmaster explained. “There won’t be any special treatment at all. In fact what his parents would like for him, as any parent would like for their child, is they have a wonderful, fulfilling, and private childhood in a place which is secure … We want him to have the confidence to be himself with all his quirks and idiosyncrasies and characteristics.”
Good luck, little prince!