Chrissy Teigen Says She's Trying to Cut Back on Her Alcohol Intake: 'I Have to Fix Myself'

PHOTO: Jason LaVeris/FilmMagic/Twitter
Chrissy Teigen isn’t afraid to share her hilarious drunken antics: There’s the time she rolled around on the field after throwing out the first pitch at a Los Angeles Dodgers game, the time she sat on her kitchen floor while husband John Legend took her jewelry off for her, and the time she tweeted a photo of her stretch marks with the caption “whatevs,” a word “sober Chrissy” apparently does not say. But, according to Teigen herself, it’s time to put an end to her alcohol-fueled shenanigans.
In a new interview with Cosmopolitan, the model and cookbook author revealed that she feels her drinking has gotten somewhat out of control at public events over the years. “I was, point blank, just drinking too much. I got used to being in hair and makeup and having a glass of wine. Then that glass of wine would carry over into me having one before the awards show. And then a bunch at the awards show. And then I felt bad for making kind of an ass of myself to people that I really respected,” she said. “And that feeling, there’s just nothing like that. You feel horrible. It’s not a good look for me, for John, for anybody.”
The 31-year-old continued, noting that drinking is a major part of the A-list events she frequently attends. “Nobody really brought it up to me. They just assumed that it was OK because I always felt OK the next morning. I knew in my heart it wasn’t right. It makes you very short with people,” she said. “People think it’s cutesy and fun to go on these boozy brunches, but there’s more to it. I’ve never once been like, ‘I’m sure glad I had that boozy brunch!'” Teigen shared that her family has a history of alcohol abuse and that she “can’t just have one drink.” She said a recent, alcohol-free wellness retreat in Bali has encouraged her to consider going completely sober. “[It was] really, really wonderful. I would wake up feeling amazing. My skin felt amazing. I was just so happy,” she said. “I used to think it was kind of nutty to have to go totally sober, but now I get it. I don’t want to be that person.” She added, “I have to fix myself.”
There are also medical reasons for Teigen’s decision to cut back on her alcohol intake. Not only is alcohol “like the least thing that helps” with her ongoing treatment for postpartum depression and anxiety, but she and John are also about to start the IVF process again in an effort to have a second child. “A lot of stuff’s about to come,” she said. “We’re going to try to have a child…We’re going to have to do something super hard, which is the IVF process, all over again.”
For the record, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends drinking in moderation, which is defined as one drink per day for women and two drinks for men. If you’re concerned about your own alcohol intake, ask a medical professional about steps you can take to cut back or manage your drinking.