According to Fort MacMurray Mayor Melissa Blake nothing can be ruled out and all options are on the table as falling oil prices create the possibility of economic damage to Wood Buffalo. Blake spoke up and said that the local council will have to reexamine the current priorities if falling oil prices continue. According to…
Law enforcement believes that the notorious gang with ties to the Mexican cartels La Familia has expanded into Alberta, and even into Fort MacMurray. The gang has been active in Edmonton, and their president was recently arrested and law enforcement teams seized cash, drugs, and weapons in large amounts. According to Mike Tucker, the spokesperson…
Fort MacMurray residents will need to bundle up because winter weather has arrived. With temperatures for the next 5-7 days to be quite cold it is time for residents in the area to start wearing warmer clothing and preparing before they head out into the elements. The winter weather in Fort MacMurray can get quite…
A bomb threat was made Thursday, and this led to a Safeway in downtown Fort MacMurray being evacuated. This type of threat is not common in the remote area, however local police it seriously until the matter can be fully investigated and the possibility of a bomb is eliminated. A phone call to the RCMP…
Angela Li, an 11 year old from Fort MacMurray, was recently awarded a Royal Conservatory gold medal for her piano skills. Li is the top in her entire province, and her Grade 2 piano score won her the gold. According to the senior director of the conservatory academic programs Janet Lopinski “It’s an extraordinary accomplishment.…
Is Fort MacMurray one of the family oriented communities in Alberta? For many residents the answer is yes. This region has seen an incredible boom in the last few years, with people arriving on a continuous basis. This has led to higher crime rates, more drugs and weapons, and an atmosphere in some parts of…