How to Clean White Sneakers the Right Way

Some things just look better when they’re broken in—a leather jacket, the perfect 501s, a killer pair of boots—while others, honestly, don’t. Which is why the appeal of white sneakers is categorically undeniable. Also undeniable: The fact that your pristine Stan Smiths, your investment Yeezy Powerphases, and your beloved Converse will, without question, get downright grimy. Googling “how to clean white sneakers” might be an exercise in futility, though, given the confusing amount of tips, tricks, and hacks people (and Pinterest) swear by. But now, thanks to one simple tweet, the ideal solution appears to have been found. And there are pics to prove it.
When, a few years ago, Twitter user @sarahtraceyy sent out side-by-side photos of her Converse sneakers caked in grime alongside a seemingly new, stark-white pair (with the caption “I am a miracle worker”), let’s just say people were floored. “God obviously saw me googling how to clean white shoes today and sent this tweet my way,” one commenter wrote, with another asking “OMG, what kind of witchcraft.”
Turns out, it’s not witchcraft at all, but a precise mix of stuff you probably have at home right now. In another tweet, this self-proclaimed miracle worker bestowed upon the Web her recipe for the fresh sneakers: “ok rinse shoes, mix 1:1.5 of baking soda & detergent, scrub w toothbrush, let it sit for a while, rinse, put in washer, baby powder/dry?”
The hack has been retweeted more than 94,000 times, with a curious public wanting more details. (“Any special kind of detergent?” someone asked. “Nope! I just used one with like extra stain remover,” @saratraceyy replied, before clarifying to another user that she’s talking about laundry detergent, not dish soap.)
So, there you have it. The ultimate (and Twitter-approved) “how to clean white sneakers” hack for you to try out when you’ve worn your Cons one too many times. But, if you’re still itching to replace your tired pair, here are five fresh canvas sneakers to dirty up this summer.