The Best Australian Beauty Brands You Need to Know

Can an entire continent be trending? Because if so, Australia is having a moment. An influx of Australian beauty brands, appropriately nicknamed A-Beauty, have taken a long layover-filled flight, landed in the United States, and made their way into carefully curated beauty routines. Stateside Sephora locations recently started carrying Aussie-born brands like Dr. Roebuck’s and Go-To Skincare, while the Instagram hashtag #sandandsky has been wrested from nature photographers and is now populated by beauty influencers testing out Sand & Sky Pink Australian Clay.
Australian beauty is all about effortlessness, joy, and a celebration of the country’s unique flora and fauna. (Fun fact: More than 80 percent of Australia’s flowering plants are found nowhere else in the world.) Beauty company founders looked right in their backyards for efficacious botanicals, healing clays, and natural substitutes for harsh chemicals. Many of our favorite A-Beauty brands are all-natural and cruelty-free. Plus, much like a Down Under sunset, A-beauty packaging is often simple and colorful. As a whole, it’s a beauty experience that’s uniquely uplifting.
“The unique element of Australian beauty is driven by our culture and its people,” says Kim Devin, cofounder of Dr Roebuck’s. “Nature and wellness is at the very center of our living and being, so it’s only natural that we treat our skin care routines in the same manner. Australia is rich in nutrients, resources and powerful, indigenous ingredients, so A-Beauty really brings the power and efficacy of Aussie elements to life.”
For Devin, the A-beauty standard is “clean, natural, ‘no-fuss’ skin care.” Since the culture takes pride in healthy lifestyle choices, Aussie beauty focuses on the “glowing from within” look—whether it’s the natural flush from a morning hike or a beauty fake-out concocted with sunless tanner and face oil. And that beach-bum thing? “The messy, postbeach look is a very real trend here,” says Devin. “Overall, being healthy is synonymous with being beautiful.”
We think 2019 feels like the perfect time to inject a dose of Down Under positivity into your beauty routine. Keep scrolling for our 10 favorite beauty brands you need to know—the earth, your skin, and your attitude will all thank you.