A Quick Note About Our New Look

Hi! And welcome!
You may notice we’ve made a few changes to our site. We’re celebrating our 80th anniversary this year, and as a birthday present we’re unveiling some upgrades. Our home page is designed so you can see more of everything Glamour is doing—our latest videos, our new podcast (binge the whole season of Broken Harts now!), our upcoming events across America.
In the coming weeks and months, you’ll also see a lot more shopping content (carefully curated by our editors to save you time) because you’ve told us you want more style and beauty recommendations (and also because we know you’re busy). And we’ll continue sharing all the personal stories, great reporting, and bold images you love from Glamour. We’re committed to serving you all of the best stories to watch, read, and listen to across style, beauty, entertainment, culture, and more.
We couldn’t think of a better cover star to kick off 2019 and our new look than Halsey. She’s a woman who dares us all to be “inconvenient”; who won’t stay silent when female musicians are held to a higher standard than their male peers; who isn’t afraid to take control of her own narrative. (As she says in her number one hit “Without Me”: “If they laugh, then fuck ’em all.” I’m down with that attitude.)
That’s what we hope for our Glamour tribe—that you can write your own story, define your own path, chart your own course. We want to hear all about it, and we’ll cheer you on along the way. Let us know how you like the site and what you want to see more of— and don’t forget to bookmark us!