Julia Roberts Had the Best Comeback for Someone Criticizing Her Manicure

Julia Roberts joined Instagram only a few months ago, but she’s already proving to be a pro. The movie legend has been posting selfies, throwback pics, and shots with family and friends as well as a millennial (a compliment, we swear). Not only that, she’s even mastered the art of an epic clapback to trolly comments—even when they’re not on her own page.
A vintage costume collector recently posted a side-by-side of Roberts next to Joan Crawford, in which they’re wearing similar gowns. One opinionated commenter shared their feelings on Julia vs. Joan by writing, “Joan Crawford looks way better in my opinion. More classic and refined, and Julia is wearing ugly black nail polish!”
PHOTO: Emma McIntyre/Getty Images
Roberts somehow saw the comment, and came back with a response so good it’ll make any beauty lover proud. “It is in a fact a navy nail polish with garnets crystals as a grounding accent,” she wrote. “In case you would like to edit your comment from ‘ugly black nail polish’ to ugly navy polish with garnet crystals. Just sayin.'” She added a painted nail emoji at the end, for dramatic flair. Your fave could never!
The whole exchange was, of course, documented by @commentsbycelebs on Instagram.
Hopefully, Roberts is having too much fun using Instagram to let the trolls bother her. The actress recently joined the platform, sharing a mix of selfies and throwback photos to her page. Earlier this month, she posted an image with her husband, cinematographer Danny Mode”Oh Summer, thank you! You made us happy and brave. We embraced every moment of sun drenched JoY,” she captioned it.
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