Is Social Media to Blame for the Increase in STIs In Alberta?
As the rate of STIs, or sexually transmitted infections, continues to go up across Alberta many are wondering if social media is to blame. According to top doctors in the province the latest data shows outbreak levels of chlamyia, gonorrhea, and syphilis in the last 12 months. During a recent Edmonton press conference chief medical officer of health for Alberta Dr. Karen Grimsrud blamed the increase on dating apps and social media sites, but some say this is just part of the problem. HIV North executive director Susan Belcourt-Rothe explained “It’s not social media and the way people are hooking up these days. It’s that they’re still not prepared for, and not practicing, safe-sex. These numbers are disappointing for sure, but unfortunately it’s not surprising. Fort McMurray sees more of the fly-in, fly-out scene but not the transient movement through a community like Grande Prairie.”
Alberta Health Services senior medical officer of health Gerry Predy discussed the rise in STIs and the idea that social media was soley to blame in a recent email. According to Dr. Predy “The work camp/transient work environment in many communities of the North Zone could therefore also be contributing to rates of STIs in North Zone. Where rates of alcohol and drug (abuse) are higher, this can contribute to unsafe sexual practices and increased number of casual hook-ups.” All 3 of the diseases tracked are curable when caught early on, they can be easily prevented by following safe sex guidelines, and treatment is usually simple and non invasive.