Canadian Entry Visas for Individuals From Areas With Ebola Have Been Suspended
Canadian entry visas, Ebola
Canada is just the latest country to take precautions against Ebola, with Canadian entry visas for individuals from areas with high rates of Ebola have been suspended. Australia has also taken this step as well. This move by Canada is an attempt to keep Ebola out of Canada and to protect Canadians from the deadly virus. There have already been confirmed cases of Ebola in the USA to the south, so it is just a matter of time before the virus hits Canada unless the government takes steps to prevent this. O Friday the government confirmed that visa applications for nationals of countries that have a pattern of “widespread and persistent-intense transmission” when I comes to Ebola have been suspended, and this is also true for residents who are coming from these countries as well.
The suspension of Canadian entry visas for those who come from global regions where Ebola has caused high death tolls and where the virus is still spreading rapidly is viewed as a necessary precaution. The Ebola virus has caused fear and panic in many countries around the world, and medical professionals do not always agree on certain aspects of the virus or the treatment. Canada does have access to an experimental Ebola vaccine but it is better to stop the spread of the virus by containing it, and then treating those in the containment area. The cases in the USA show that people are not always honest, and even medical professionals may be at risk of spreading Ebola if they refuse to self quarantine for the required 21 days.