But it was very, very hard to keep my spirits, and mindset, in the right place. I would listen to motivational tapes all the time in my car—from people like Brian Tracy, Zig Ziglar, and Wayne Dyer—that would help me get the courage to step back into the next office building. I was getting escorted…
It’s 2019, and mousse is back. I know what you’re thinking: Isn’t that the reason my mom’s hair had hurricane-level wind resistance in 1984? Didn’t we send that ish to the beauty graveyard, along with frosted lipstick and Paris Hilton’s perfume? Yes, it is, and we did. But here’s the thing: My hair is now…
When it comes to self-care, I’ve tried it all. Hot baths, hot yoga, trips to hot climates. Retail therapy, sun therapy, cat therapy, talk therapy. Massages, mindfulness, acupuncture, reiki. I felt pretty chill for an hour or so after a massage, sufficiently revitalized after working up a sweat with sun salutations and downward dogs—but the…
To the casual Internet user, Reddit can seem like an endless den of threads, fandoms, and people posting pictures of cute animals. And it is—the R/Aww subreddit is often the thing that keeps me going. But on the beauty side, the site also holds the key to crowdsourced product reccs, the craziest new, under-the-radar products,…