About five years ago I was forced to reconsider what “comfy clothing” meant. Up until then it had been a rotation of stretchy sweatpants, flannel PJs, and joggers with generous waistlines. But couch-creature attire lost its blissful simplicity, as fears of itchiness and chafing started looming over every fashion choice, from workwear to even those…
When I moved across the country last year, cycling through the same outfits for months before my boxes arrived, I turned to L.A.’s wealth of very good vintage stores to replenish my wardrobe. I began to collect vintage T-shirts, always finding the right messaging for whatever mood I was in at the time, like pulling…
<img src=”https://media.glamour.com/photos/59970a9bedc95a74f6182612/master/pass/HANES_BAN.DO%20HEART%20TEE.jpg” alt=”Pop-In@Nordstrom x Hanes”/> Pop-In@Nordstrom x Hanes Pop-In@Nordstrom x Hanes ban.do T-shirt Nordstrom <img src=”https://media.glamour.com/photos/59970a9d0701570c3f4c14a9/master/pass/HANES_%20BAN.DO%20NO%20BAD%20DAYS%20TEE.jpg” alt=”Pop-In@Nordstrom x Hanes”/> Pop-In@Nordstrom x Hanes Pop-In@Nordstrom x Hanes ban.do T-shirt Nordstrom <img src=”https://media.glamour.com/photos/59970a9df11fd00de6733be4/master/pass/HANES_BAN.DO%20I%20DID%20MY%20BEST%20TEE.jpg” alt=”Pop-In@Nordstrom x Hanes”/> Pop-In@Nordstrom x Hanes Pop-In@Nordstrom x Hanes ban.do T-shirt Nordstrom <img src=”https://media.glamour.com/photos/59970aa373e5c76b06a02133/master/pass/HANES_JUICY%20COUTURE%20GRAPHIC%202.jpg” alt=”Pop-In@Nordstrom x Hanes”/> Pop-In@Nordstrom x Hanes Pop-In@Nordstrom x Hanes Juicy Couture…